
Trees for a Changing Climate

Road with trees

We need to ensure that the trees we are planting now in urban areas will thrive in the face of a changing climate and also help us cope with the predicted warmer temperatures and changes in weather patterns we will experience for the rest of the century. The database tool developed by the Right Trees for a Changing Climate Project will enable planners, landscape designers, developers and other professionals to decide what types of tree are suitable in the face of new emerging threats.

The underlying database was prepared by Forest Research in collaboration with the Greater London Authority, the Forestry Commission, Natural England, the Tree Council and the Royal Horticultural Society. The database lists the characteristics of tree species that will be suitable and adapted for the predicted climatic conditions that urban areas will experience for the rest of this century. This database is not exhaustive and Forest Research will continue its development as trees resilient to these threats are identified.

This site was developed in partnership with Objective Computing Ltd.

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